Time to review the progress of my 2006 Resolutions in February.
2006 Resolutions
不再拖延__no procrastination
有責任感__be responsible
不要亂發脾氣__develop good temperament
讀52本書__read 52 books
增加20鎊重__gain 20 pounds
每週運動3次__exercise 3 times a week
說話速度減慢__enunciate every single word
每天看英文新聞__read and watch English news daily
-----每晚收看ATV Late News ,但仍不習慣每天閱讀英文新聞
年投資回報率20%__rate of return reaches 20% after inflation
-----有點忙,not in the mood for investing
建一個網站__build a website
-----暫時擱置,正從事相關的工作 (note: starsea)
( UP / FLAT / DOWN )