
【生活點滴】The Five People You Meet in Heaven

今天晚上,太不想呆在宿舍,也不想準備考試,只好逃避!(你就是這樣的) 於是到了公館去,在誠品逛了一個晚上。

發現很多書想買,真想把他們帶回家,如果不用錢的話 -_-'''

最後買了Albom的新書The Five People You Meet in Heaven,他之前的書 Tuesdays with Morrie 可以說是改變了我的一生,自從看了它,我的人生觀也因此確立了。它教會了我如何對待人生、如何面對死亡。


The Five People You Meet in Heaven Posted by Hello

1 則留言:

Gracie 說...

My dearest Ryan~~~

Lend me this book~~Please~~~
I've read more than half of it in the United States~~
I missed the ending >.<
This book is about...don't tell you (otherwise you will kill me), explore it yourself^^
But please remember to lend it to me~~