
【反省日記】Fairy Tales 2005

其實從七月到現在一直都有一個想法,就是把這個Blog刪掉;但沒勇氣的按下"delete",畢竟我不想忘記一種"Deja Vu" (似曾相識的感覺)。


去年我為自己定了一個很 "general" 的 2005 Resolutions,現在回頭看,是如此的陌生,是一連串的謊言。很多的夢想,很多的想法,也伴隨著不少的 fairy tales 來騙自己。

2005 Resolutions

  • lead a valuable life ?? I have no idea what it is ...
  • stay positive ?? the opposite!!
  • pursue further studies ?? a waste of time !!
  • be responsible ?? the opposite!!
  • improve Eng profienccy
    - listening- speaking- reading- writing ?? no direction!!
  • don't waste time ?? well done, waste lots of time!!
  • improve my drawbacks ?? no improvement!!
  • be nice to others ?? no comments...
  • feel relaxed ?? stressful
  • keep blogging ?? not so after the 2nd half of the year...

現在有兩個選擇,一是不再聽 fairy tales,另一個則是繼續我的童話故事。我是一個機會主義者,不斷尋找高概率事件,不想浪費每一個可能改變的機會。我一直很喜歡這一句話:


我想我要開始籌備我的 Fairy Tales 2006

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

Actually, I do think that the wording of your goal is kind of vague.

e.g. lead a valuable life ?? --> what is your definition of "a valuable life?"

improve my drawbacks--> don't you think that's a bit too broad!!You may need to narrow your goals to something more feasible~~e.g. be nice to your school sisters...^^

Maybe you would like to put it in a more specific way so that you can have a better focus and achievement^^

No offense~~!Just some of my personal opinions~~

Wish You A Happy New Year~~!!hahahahahahahahahahah

匿名 說...

係咩 係呀 唔知wor

hahhahahaha I have mentioned it by putting a quotation mark aruond the word "general" hahahahha,

揾食je 畀下面好 wor

匿名 說...


你回答自己的2005 revolutions 好好笑~
搞到我都好想寫番個2006 的....but...

匿名 說...

係咩 係呀 唔知wor

揾食je 畀下面好 wor

匿名 說...

請你不要把這個Blog 刪除!

匿名 說...

Thanks for your support, 我真係咩都唔知ga ^^"