
【生活點滴】Kaian's Birthday

Today is Kaian's birthday.
We "old" guys and her friends in college gathered and celebrated her birthday at a Karaoke parlor last night. Humen joked that we both English majors ended up working in Coloane... Again, at present I am a secuity guard.
I came back home in the morning and went to bed. A lot of dreams occurred.
One dream seemed like a sequel to the dream I had in June this year. we guys walked on the beach peacefully, then I sensed something and felt disappointed at first. As time went by, I felt okay and a new day begins...

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Humen joked that we both English majors ended up working in Coloane... COLOANE,好野呀!!!

Ryan 說...

係咩 係呀 唔知wo "又真係wor"