
【投資日記】First Investment A/C

Today I opened an investment account at BOC. With this A/C, I can purchase and sell stocks online, and manage all my BOC accounts. This investement account is the present I give myself for my "hard work" in November.
I have been reviewing my financial status these days. Here is my current asset allocation:
60% Foreign Currency
30% Stocks
10 % Liquid
Right now, I mainly depend on employment income to fund my cash flow, so I can, theoretically, invest in risker stocks with greater potenaial to grow in value. On the other hand, I have got to prepare sufficient liquid assets to fund my foreseeable obligation- my tuitin fees. (gosh!!!!)
Well, in order to incrase the rate of return, I'm thinking to reshuffle the proportion of my investment, say, 40: 40: 20 (tentative)

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Are you good at investment?? It's kind of risky to put 90% of your current asset under investment unless you have sufficient knowledge in this field. Again, the never-changing rule: the higher the risk, the greater the profit~~HAHaHAHAH

匿名 說...

係咩 係呀 唔知wo